
We are delighted to announce that on May 14th, the Icelandic Medicines Verification System (ICEMVS) was connected to the European Hub live production environment.

Achieving this important milestone was made possible with successful collaboration with colleagues from other NMVO’s working with Solidsoft Reply, especially ZAPAZ in Slovenia, with strong support from the EMVO team and finally ICEMVO Board members, who have actively engaged in this project during the last two years.

Commencing in the coming weeks, we are starting the next phase of our project with participants who are ready to onboard to the EU Hub and with controlled connection of end-users to the national system. This will provide enough time to all participants in the pharmaceutical supply chain to onboard, test, train and prepare themselves in time.

We would encourage manufacturers and OBP´s to start uploading product and pack data to the EU Hub destined for the Icelandic market, including multimarket packs with Denmark and Sweden – ICEMVO is now connected.

Finally, thank you to the many MAH´s who have already completed ICEMVO´s MAH onboarding procedure. If you have not yet registered, details of how to do this are available at http://lyfjaaudkenni.is/en/ma-holders/ .

For further information about ICEMVO, please visit our website http://lyfjaaudkenni.is/en/icemvo/ or get in touch with us by email (info@lyfjaaudkenni.is) at any time.